Guice Notes

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a design pattern wherein classes declare their dependencies as arguments instead of creating those dependencies directly.

class Foo {
  private Database database;  // We need a Database to do some work

  // The database comes from somewhere else. Where? That's not my job, that's
  // the job of whoever constructs me: they can choose which database to use.
  Foo(Database database) {
    this.database = database;

Core Guice Concepts

@Inject constructor

Java class constructors that are annotated with @Inject can be called by Guice through a process called constructor injection, during which the constructors’ arguments will be created and provided by Guice.

标记了 @Inject 的构造方法,Guice 会自动装配其参数。

class Greeter {
  private final String message;
  private final int count;

  // Greeter declares that it needs a string message and an integer
  // representing the number of time the message to be printed.
  // The @Inject annotation marks this constructor as eligible to be used by
  // Guice.
  Greeter(@Message String message, @Count int count) {
    this.message = message;
    this.count = count;

  void sayHello() {
    for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {

The Greeter class’s constructor arguments are its dependencies and applications use Module to tell Guice how to satisfy those dependencies.

Guice modules

The above Greeter class has two dependencies (declared in its constructor):

  • A String object for the message to be printed
  • An Integer object for the number of times to print the message
 * Guice module that provides bindings for message and count used in
 * {@link Greeter}.

class DemoModule extends AbstractModule {
  static Integer provideCount() {
    return 3;

  static String provideMessage() {
    return "hello world";

Guice Injectors

    Greeter(@Message String message, @Count int count) {
      this.message = message;
      this.count = count;

A simple guice application

Mental Model

Guice is a map

These objects that your application needs are called dependencies.

  • Guice key: a key in the map which is used to fetch a particular value from the map.
  • Provider: a value in the map which is used to create objects for your application.

Guice Keys

Guice uses Key to identify a dependency that can be resolved using the “Guice map”.

@Message String --> Key<String>
@Count int --> Key<Integer>
// Identifies a dependency that is an instance of String.
Key<String> databaseKey = Key.get(String.class);

However, applications often have dependencies that are of the same type:

final class MultilingualGreeter {
  private String englishGreeting;
  private String spanishGreeting;
  // 两个都是 String 类型 
  MultilingualGreeter(String englishGreeting, String spanishGreeting) {
    this.englishGreeting = englishGreeting;
    this.spanishGreeting = spanishGreeting;
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